By: Renee Bordner NWE Music Studio Director 2021 is finally here! I think the entire world is thrilled that 2020 is behind us!
Originally, I had envisioned my word of the year for 2020 to be "grace" or "present" which I truly tried to adopt as my focus. However in mid March "grace" and "being present" were replaced with "survival", "pivot" "perseverance" and "enough already"! For 2021, what will our word of the year be? Will it be "empower", "evolve", "resilience" or something else? I am not sure yet. I do know that whatever 2021 ends up being known for globally, there will be music. There is music all around us all of the time. Knowing that we will always have music is comforting and encouraging. As you start your 2021 New Year Resolutions be sure to include music in some way. Best wishes to you and yours in the new year! Comments are closed.
December 2023